EdRev 2019

EdRev (Education Revolution) is an annual event with a unique focus on the 1 in 5 students with learning and attention differences, often compounded by anxiety and depression. Now entering its 11th year, EdRev Expo combines education sessions, resources and consultations with a celebratory community day at the ballpark. It is the only event of its kind that brings together the whole community—students, parents, educators and professionals—to share experiences and resources, and make new connections. Learn more about the event.

Saturday, May 4, 2019 from 9am – 4pm
Oracle Park, San Francisco

Information: Learn from renowned speakers presenting their work from the cutting edge of learning science

Resources: Explore a diverse range of resources presented by tech companies, service providers, schools, colleges and support organizations

Celebration: Experience an atmosphere where students’ strengths are celebrated and the stigma of LD disappears

Community: Connect with parents, educators and students who are all on the same journey as you

What will I experience at EdRev Expo?

EdRev Expo combines an educational conference with a celebratory community day at the ballpark, where you will have access to:

  • Over 50 valuable sessions for parents, educators and other professionals on topics related to the 1 in 5

  • Exhibit hall showcasing the latest learning technology, a stunning student art gallery, as well as 100+ schools, community organizations and service providers focused specifically on learning and attention differences

  • Student celebration on the field with live music and outdoor activities.

  • Free, onsite 30-minute consultations for parents with expert psychologists from CHC so parents can access care on the spot

  • Free attendance for all!

EdRev (Education Revolution) is a unique day of information, resources, celebration and community for students who learn differently and the families and professionals who support them. Learn more at EdRevSF.org, or on Facebook , Twitter and YouTube.