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Supporting Our Children in Extraordinary Times—Special Community Event!

Dr. Ken Ginsburg, a leading expert on building resilience, will discuss how to help your children gain critical lifelong skills.

Supporting Our Children in Extraordinary Times

These are uncertain and complex times. We wish that we could jump into a future in which justice has been achieved. We wish that we could take away the disruption and inconvenience young people are experiencing because of the impact of physical distancing on their education, activities, and relationships. And, we wish that there was not human suffering. But there is. 

The best way to protect our children is to shape the lessons that they learn from these times, and in doing so, build the resilience skills they can draw from throughout their lives and the commitment to build a better world as they lead us into the future. 

The starting point is acknowledging that these are hard and unsettling times for us adults, too—we must first be intentional about building our own fortitude and resolve with self-care and self-compassion. It is time to model the lesson that as individuals we are vulnerable, but we gain strength when we seek the support of others.