Stuck on a Desert Island with the Best Kids Books Ever

Stuck on a Desert Island with the Best Kids Books Ever

What should your kids be reading this summer? I’ve enlisted the help of local children’s librarians and bookstores and posed the question, "If you were stuck on a desert island with children of varying ages; without a cell phone, television, radio and computer; and could bring only a few books, what would you choose?"

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Explore the California Cheese Trail

Explore the California Cheese Trail

Take one bite of California artisanal cheeses and you'll taste the rich favors of the area. Whether the cheese is from cow, sheep or goat’s milk;  the love and attention from the farmers shine though each delicious bite. From the fresh triple cream of MT TAM cheese at Cowgirl Creamery to the tangy Point Reyes Original Blue, the bounty of choices for the gourmet traveler can be explored right in our own backyard. 

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Treasure Hunts for Families

Treasure Hunts for Families

For a great way to have fun with your kids, get them outside and physically active try GeocachingLetterboxing, and Questing. These outings are great for all ages that you can do anytime and anywhere. When you complete it you may get a prize or learn something, and, best of all, your kids will not know they are exercising their bodies and brains!

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