Sound the Shofar this Rosh Hashanah

This year Rosh Hashanah begins in the evening on Friday, September 15, 2023 and ends in the evening on Sunday, September 17, 2023. This means celebrations and also reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the coming one. 

Rosh Hashanah gives us a chance to begin, or refresh, new family traditions, like trying a new recipe or putting a Jewish twist on Fall activities with your family.  For families, there are so many wonderful traditions to engage in at home -- dipping apples in honey, braiding and tasting challah, reading PJ Library stories, and listening to the blast of the shofar. 

From my house to yours, my best wishes for a sweet, happy and healthy year ahead.

What’s Happening

8 Rosh Hashanah Stories to Read with Your Children

Local Nosh for Rosh Hashanah

A Sweet New Rosh Hashanah Family Resource 

About PJ Library Bay Area