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4 Meaningful Ways to Doodle This Summer

The school year will soon be finally over and then......SUMMER. Are your kids going to go to camp? At Doodle, summer camp is something we look forward to. We love to see rekindled friendships and look forward to making new ones. That happens daily in the life of a Doodle camper. Here are 4 ways we’ve perfected our summers in meaningful ways. 

Discover Our Unique Creativity Incubator

Summer Camp is a fun and exciting way for your kids to learn a new skill, make friends and just have fun. At Doodle, we pride ourselves on creating an experience that our campers will remember. With proper training and under careful supervision, campers are empowered with saws, hammers, power drills and more in our maker and art labs. Along the way, learn small life lessons like measure-twice-and-cut-once.  

S.T.E.A.M. Ahead

Themes such as basic engineering, propulsion, electricity, and renewable energy help drive campers’ curiosity through age appropriate activities. Summer camp is a time to explore. We provide the tools and guidance and your happy camper explores at their own comfortable pace.

Campers are challenged to make their own creations using basic tools and materials, and test them in the real world. No, it may not work the first or second time, but that’s OK. It’s experiential learning.

Fun Time

Some people call this down time but we, at Doodle, we call this Fun Time! Afterall, this is summer camp so there’s ample time for sports & games or crafts and more. During X-Lab, campers can choose to continue with their projects or chill at the lanyard station. It's a time for kids to take control and have the freedom to go where no kid has boldly gone before.

Short Stack

Seriously! Kids are crazy about our pancakes. We end the week with pancake Fridays, followed by water day when weather permits.

Think of Doodle as an incubator for kids where they grow their creative intelligence (CIQ) through making. Not just talking about it – actually, truly making real things that can empower both their minds and their self-esteem. Registration for summer camp is now open. Visit them online and check out all the fun they have on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.