Six Ways Poekies Bring Low-Tech Fun to High-Tech Kids

Ronnie's Awesome List presents a guest article by Sophia van der Harst of Poekie Nook. As a welcome to Ronnie’s Awesome list, Poekie Nook is offering new customers a one hour free trial and 10% off on your first block of drop-in hours. 

Would you believe the art of crafting over coding is trending amongst kids? It's true. Rising above all the gizmos and gadgets, girls and boys of all ages are learning that working with low tech tools, such as a needle and thread, are incredibly important to enhance S.T.E.A.M. education and provide a solid background in a child's education. 

Build on basic skills. Cutting patterns and hand-sewing Poekies improves manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination and cognitive development, engaging bilateral coordination between the left and right sides of the brain. These are vital skills the kids at Poekie Nook learn and regularly practice; opening new doors to exploration, learning and creative expression. 

Creating a framework. Not only does Poekie making increase spatial relations and visual thinking skills, it also aids in social-emotional skills and builds confidence. Kids set and achieve positive goals, encourage and support each other, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible independent decisions.

Tools of the trade. In order to create a Poekie, a child must go beyond the needle and thread and be able to do some critical thinking. Taking an idea from a two dimensional pattern and creating a three dimensional design develops skills such as pattern recognition and spatial rotation.

Facilitate creativity. The process of making a Poekie provides children with the tools that inspire creativity, as we stand back and let them loose. Choosing patterns for their own unique Poekie features helps children visualize a concept before execution. And as kids advance their skills, they create stories, architect homes, habitats, and theater set design.

Social Circle. Because sewing requires two hands and attention, computer devices are away and kids talk directly to one another. Making eye contact and talking without an electronic device is the only form of communication at Poekie Nook. We chat, we have tea and snack and we’re all excited to meet the next member of the Poekie family.

Unplugged Playtime. True gratification comes when kids bring their unique Poekies home. Poekies help keep the natural innocence in our children alive and foster the imagination, which, I believe to be instrumental in raising happy, healthy human beings.

While your children are having fun at our drop-in studio, they are working hard on acquiring all kinds of skills that will benefit them for the rest of their life.  Did I say “work"? It doesn’t feel like work because we have such a great time together, but, underneath all this fluffy happiness lies an invaluable tool to advance these valuable skills in a fun and effective manner. 

Sophia van der Harst is a certified Waldorf teacher and the founder of Poekie Nook, a drop-in sewing studio located in Tam Junction in Mill Valley. Sophia is on a mission to increase awareness of the benefits of crafting and sewing, especially during childhood. Connect with her on Facebook or email her at